I promised more blogs right? Well I have to start somewhere, and I figure making my unhealthy obsession at least marginally productive would be an excellent idea - so I'm going to review some of the shows I watch - starting now.
I am absolutely in love with the new show from the writers of Lost - Once Upon A Time. It suffers from the same flaw that made me lose track in Lost - miss one episode and, pardon the pun, you're lost. Which is what happened to me and that show. I have intents to start that from the beginning... I would need to acquire it.
My roommates and I love OUT (that's what I'll call it, it seems reasonable, no?) - we look forward to watching it every Sunday and, along with Vampire Diaries, it's one of the few shows I actually watch when it airs. I'm a huge proponent of Hulu, but sometimes I just need to know RIGHT AWAY what happens on a show. Every single time we watch this show, we are left with more questions. It's entrancing - I love the costuming, the visuals, the script, the acting - it's all superb. And this coming from an indiscriminate TV junkie.
This last episode was no exception. Charming came so close to a resolution with Snow only to be thwarted once again by the Queen. I had such hope that he would be the first to remember, but it seems the forces of evil are too organized at the present time. I can't quite get an understanding of Rumple's motives - but that's the point of him, isn't it? I'm just SO FRUSTRATED by the whole thing, I want Snow and Charming to get together so badly, I'm so mad that his false memories have been implanted, and the doctor aka the uncle from Vampire Diaries is just Mr. McCreepyPants.
I continually enjoy the piecing together of the timeline, and revelations of the characters' pasts. Charming's real world wife as the daughter of King Midas? No wonder she's such a meanypants (I'm having a pants night, sorry guys)
Things I am most looking forward to in this show:
- next week's episode (which I won't be able to see until Monday :[ )
- someone remembering his true past
- the continued cracking of the spell (Snow's coffin last week?)
- more deals with Rumple
- general interactions among the first family (Snow, Emma, Charming, and Henry)
Them's the way I see 'em
Looking forward to keeping this blog (more) active!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I'll never get this right, will I?
Hey y'all.
It's been a couple of months so of course it's time for another blog. I wish I remembered to do this more often but with two vlogs (kittenpaws33 and 39reasonswhy) and it being my final year at uni - welllllll you know.
I tried (by tried I should say signed up for) NaNoWriMo but as with this, I never seemed to have time to start. And I made up lots of excuses. I'm good at that.
It's hard for me to take a leap, especially when I think I can fail. I don't think that's really news to anyone. So I have lots of ideas, but I rarely manage to have the wherewithal to start them on my own. It's funny because I excel at things when I set my mind to them but lately, my brain has seemed... fuzzy. I don't know how else to explain it. 16 years of knowing exactly what I'm supposed to do, where I'm supposed to go, what I'm supposed to excel at - it's gotten me here and I'm not sure where to go next.
I have a plan though! And I'm not telling you internet, but it's a good one! In the mean time, look forward to more posts from me, as I procrastinate these last few weeks of class.
It's been a couple of months so of course it's time for another blog. I wish I remembered to do this more often but with two vlogs (kittenpaws33 and 39reasonswhy) and it being my final year at uni - welllllll you know.
I tried (by tried I should say signed up for) NaNoWriMo but as with this, I never seemed to have time to start. And I made up lots of excuses. I'm good at that.
It's hard for me to take a leap, especially when I think I can fail. I don't think that's really news to anyone. So I have lots of ideas, but I rarely manage to have the wherewithal to start them on my own. It's funny because I excel at things when I set my mind to them but lately, my brain has seemed... fuzzy. I don't know how else to explain it. 16 years of knowing exactly what I'm supposed to do, where I'm supposed to go, what I'm supposed to excel at - it's gotten me here and I'm not sure where to go next.
I have a plan though! And I'm not telling you internet, but it's a good one! In the mean time, look forward to more posts from me, as I procrastinate these last few weeks of class.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hey y'all.
It's the weirdest thing. I've been in Australia now for a little over 8 weeks. Well, to be honest, almost 9 weeks. 2 days short of 9 weeks. And I've had a great time, don't get me wrong.
Okay so there were a few ups and downs along the way, but mostly ups.
Decided that science research just isn't for me. Which means: I'll be applying to science communication programs. And real world jobs. I'm still graduating with a degree in Astronomy/Astrophysics. But I've grown a lot in the past 3 years and it's made me become way more aware of what I need out of a job. And writing papers/going to astronomy conferences/presenting papers/day to day research: it's just not for me. I'd've been way happier doing normal intern-y stuff (making coffee, sorting mail, filing) than what I was actually doing (computer programming, using software, getting headaches)
Got my hair done. Super exciting I know. :P
Went to the telescope in Coonabarrabran (AWESOME - reminds me what I love about astronomy - the side that the public gets to see)
Explored Sydney including, but not limited to: Bondi Beach, Luna Park, Surry Hills, Paddington Market, Paddy's Market, Darling Harbor, several Arcades (shopping alleys), the Royal Gardens, the Opera House.
Made videos about most of the places I went on youtube.com/kittenpaws33
Cooked for myself. Legit food. Like chicken. And curries (with the aid of seasoning packs). Experimentally made apricot honey chicken. Quite successful.
Met and petted at least 3 kitties.
Made friends from England. And other places.
Had a boss who was Scottish.
Got sick (it is winter here, after all)
Realized how inexpensive the US is.
Got mad about seeing the exchange rate fall for AUD to USD.
Realized, once again, that textual communication is unhelpful in many cases. And that I have MASSIVE moodswings sometimes. Realization is the first step, right?
Knitted and donated a blanket.
Ate too much chocolate and Tim Tams (noms) - stopped eating said things and switched to trying to eat super healthy.
Almost collected the ULTIMATE HARRY POTTER MOVIE POSTER/POSTCARD COLLECTION but failed on the last day. Learned that I should've skivved off work.
Learned many British words.
Watched Tangled like 4 times in 3 days. Loved Tangled.
Went to the movies to see: Transformers 3, HP7part2, Captain America, Bridesmaids
Heard about, freaked out about, got into Pottermore
Missed everyone in the States SO MUCH. It's not even funny how much I missed y'all.
It's the weirdest thing. I've been in Australia now for a little over 8 weeks. Well, to be honest, almost 9 weeks. 2 days short of 9 weeks. And I've had a great time, don't get me wrong.
Okay so there were a few ups and downs along the way, but mostly ups.
Decided that science research just isn't for me. Which means: I'll be applying to science communication programs. And real world jobs. I'm still graduating with a degree in Astronomy/Astrophysics. But I've grown a lot in the past 3 years and it's made me become way more aware of what I need out of a job. And writing papers/going to astronomy conferences/presenting papers/day to day research: it's just not for me. I'd've been way happier doing normal intern-y stuff (making coffee, sorting mail, filing) than what I was actually doing (computer programming, using software, getting headaches)
Got my hair done. Super exciting I know. :P
Went to the telescope in Coonabarrabran (AWESOME - reminds me what I love about astronomy - the side that the public gets to see)
Explored Sydney including, but not limited to: Bondi Beach, Luna Park, Surry Hills, Paddington Market, Paddy's Market, Darling Harbor, several Arcades (shopping alleys), the Royal Gardens, the Opera House.
Made videos about most of the places I went on youtube.com/kittenpaws33
Cooked for myself. Legit food. Like chicken. And curries (with the aid of seasoning packs). Experimentally made apricot honey chicken. Quite successful.
Met and petted at least 3 kitties.
Made friends from England. And other places.
Had a boss who was Scottish.
Got sick (it is winter here, after all)
Realized how inexpensive the US is.
Got mad about seeing the exchange rate fall for AUD to USD.
Realized, once again, that textual communication is unhelpful in many cases. And that I have MASSIVE moodswings sometimes. Realization is the first step, right?
Knitted and donated a blanket.
Ate too much chocolate and Tim Tams (noms) - stopped eating said things and switched to trying to eat super healthy.
Almost collected the ULTIMATE HARRY POTTER MOVIE POSTER/POSTCARD COLLECTION but failed on the last day. Learned that I should've skivved off work.
Learned many British words.
Watched Tangled like 4 times in 3 days. Loved Tangled.
Went to the movies to see: Transformers 3, HP7part2, Captain America, Bridesmaids
Heard about, freaked out about, got into Pottermore
Missed everyone in the States SO MUCH. It's not even funny how much I missed y'all.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Hallioooooo. I've been in the land of kangaroos for over 4 weeks now. It's craziness I tell you, craziness!
For one thing, who ever heard of allergies in the winter? Lame Australia. Lame.
So as I sit waiting for a good friend to sign on skype (14 hour time difference? pshaw) I needed to do something to keep myself awake (it's 11:34 here).
I went for a walk today. I have put on a little bit around my hips due to the facts that:
1. Cadbury chocolate is amazing. Particularly the crunchie kind which tastes like sponge candy
2. One such chocolate bar has 26 grams of fat in it... I was averaging one a day.
(chocolate sooooo good)
I have therefore 1. eaten all chocolate in my possession so that I will not be tempted to eat it and 2. bought lots of veggies. In particular carrots. I LURV CARROTS.
But you don't read this to read about my chocolate woes (which wouldn't bother me so much if not for the fact that my only pair of jeans were no longer comfortable to sit in.) Actually, I'm not sure why you read this blog. For all I know, no one reads this blog. I do have an awful lot of content on the internet (a personal vlog, group vlog, twitter...)
Update on my life you say? Still don't know what I'm doing with it. Should probably obtain a GRE study book though...
Well there it is. A whole 10 minutes of my night taken care of. 50 more to go XD
Hallioooooo. I've been in the land of kangaroos for over 4 weeks now. It's craziness I tell you, craziness!
For one thing, who ever heard of allergies in the winter? Lame Australia. Lame.
So as I sit waiting for a good friend to sign on skype (14 hour time difference? pshaw) I needed to do something to keep myself awake (it's 11:34 here).
I went for a walk today. I have put on a little bit around my hips due to the facts that:
(chocolate sooooo good)
I have therefore 1. eaten all chocolate in my possession so that I will not be tempted to eat it and 2. bought lots of veggies. In particular carrots. I LURV CARROTS.
But you don't read this to read about my chocolate woes (which wouldn't bother me so much if not for the fact that my only pair of jeans were no longer comfortable to sit in.) Actually, I'm not sure why you read this blog. For all I know, no one reads this blog. I do have an awful lot of content on the internet (a personal vlog, group vlog, twitter...)
Update on my life you say? Still don't know what I'm doing with it. Should probably obtain a GRE study book though...
Well there it is. A whole 10 minutes of my night taken care of. 50 more to go XD
Thursday, April 7, 2011
So yeah, long time, no blog.
I mean I had plenty to blog about (SETI Institute REU until August, my vlog, the crazy classes of an astronomy major, figuring out what to do with my life, boy drama) but, as you might have guessed, having a lot to blog about also means having very little time to blog.
But I really enjoy blogging (and vlogging) and since I haven't gotten to vlog recently due to a whole bunch of things (primarily Christine and her not starting our new season), and because it's Blog Every Day in April, I felt at least one post was necessitated. I miss this.
So what have you missed? A birthday (another year older and all that jazz). Continued questions of what I should do with my life (yes I'd probably get into graduate school but what do I want to go for? Science outreach? Astronomy? Planetary Science? Space Science? So many choices, so indecisive...) I had the prospect of a boy for all of about 5 days until he stopped texting me and I discovered that we had VERY different understandings of where the relationship was going. It ended up blowing up in a lot of ways and resulting in way too much drama. Interpersonal relationships initiated via text message result in many many many miscommunications. Oh, and I'm taking Quantum Mechanics. So that's fun.
I'm also going to be in Australia for the summer! I'm super excited, I got an excellent internship, but now I have to figure out flights and housing and all of that... Hopefully it'll help me focus on the good in life and not perseverate on my lack of romantic interest.
I'm thinking about starting a fun science blog, or at least posting some fun science here, so if there are cool experiments you've heard about and would like to know more about, cool scientists you care about, or even science related TV shows you care about, let me know in comments!!
So yeah, long time, no blog.
I mean I had plenty to blog about (SETI Institute REU until August, my vlog, the crazy classes of an astronomy major, figuring out what to do with my life, boy drama) but, as you might have guessed, having a lot to blog about also means having very little time to blog.
But I really enjoy blogging (and vlogging) and since I haven't gotten to vlog recently due to a whole bunch of things (primarily Christine and her not starting our new season), and because it's Blog Every Day in April, I felt at least one post was necessitated. I miss this.
So what have you missed? A birthday (another year older and all that jazz). Continued questions of what I should do with my life (yes I'd probably get into graduate school but what do I want to go for? Science outreach? Astronomy? Planetary Science? Space Science? So many choices, so indecisive...) I had the prospect of a boy for all of about 5 days until he stopped texting me and I discovered that we had VERY different understandings of where the relationship was going. It ended up blowing up in a lot of ways and resulting in way too much drama. Interpersonal relationships initiated via text message result in many many many miscommunications. Oh, and I'm taking Quantum Mechanics. So that's fun.
I'm also going to be in Australia for the summer! I'm super excited, I got an excellent internship, but now I have to figure out flights and housing and all of that... Hopefully it'll help me focus on the good in life and not perseverate on my lack of romantic interest.
I'm thinking about starting a fun science blog, or at least posting some fun science here, so if there are cool experiments you've heard about and would like to know more about, cool scientists you care about, or even science related TV shows you care about, let me know in comments!!
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