Thursday, April 7, 2011



So yeah, long time, no blog.

I mean I had plenty to blog about (SETI Institute REU until August, my vlog, the crazy classes of an astronomy major, figuring out what to do with my life, boy drama) but, as you might have guessed, having a lot to blog about also means having very little time to blog.

But I really enjoy blogging (and vlogging) and since I haven't gotten to vlog recently due to a whole bunch of things (primarily Christine and her not starting our new season), and because it's Blog Every Day in April, I felt at least one post was necessitated. I miss this.

So what have you missed? A birthday (another year older and all that jazz). Continued questions of what I should do with my life (yes I'd probably get into graduate school but what do I want to go for? Science outreach? Astronomy? Planetary Science? Space Science? So many choices, so indecisive...) I had the prospect of a boy for all of about 5 days until he stopped texting me and I discovered that we had VERY different understandings of where the relationship was going. It ended up blowing up in a lot of ways and resulting in way too much drama. Interpersonal relationships initiated via text message result in many many many miscommunications. Oh, and I'm taking Quantum Mechanics. So that's fun.

I'm also going to be in Australia for the summer! I'm super excited, I got an excellent internship, but now I have to figure out flights and housing and all of that... Hopefully it'll help me focus on the good in life and not perseverate on my lack of romantic interest.

I'm thinking about starting a fun science blog, or at least posting some fun science here, so if there are cool experiments you've heard about and would like to know more about, cool scientists you care about, or even science related TV shows you care about, let me know in comments!!