Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ipod touch and Kristina Horner's new album

STOP! kittenpause!

So if you've been following my blog (which you obviously should be - if you haven't it's like 2 more posts to read, just do it!) you'll be aware that I was on a pretty big 5AG kick which has resulted in my following (in a most fangirl manner) Kristina Horner (italktosnakes). I'm wicked excited because she just came out with a new album which should also be on itunes shortly (next month maybe?) This is a new geeky dance type music album along the lines of Mrs. Nerimon, an extremely catchy ode to italktosnakes' boyfriend, which is included on the album (yee!). You can listen to the album music for free on their (and by they I am of course referring to the new band she's formed called ALLCAPS) myspace right now. Anyhow, I think she's a really worthwhile youtuber/blogger/twitterer/singer to follow. The best part is she's only 21 and she's earned everything she has now completely out of her own determination. Yay technology!

On the note of technology I'm looking at getting the ipod Touch, but I've heard rumors that there may be a new one coming out in June. Obviously, the price will decrease a lot from the $199 refurbished price, so there's no sense in buying it right now. That gives you (right now nobody, but maybe more people will read) approximately two months to convince me whether I should actually buy an ipod touch or if you think something is better.

Oh, and yay for school being almost over but shame on those final exams. A few weeks of doom and then FREEDOM.

And can we discuss how defunct the whole housing lottery system is? Why in the world do I have to live on the remote corner of south campus with a girl I don't really know? How am I supposed to stay awake on that walk home?

All right, that's enough, you can press the "play" button on your life again ^_^

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