Saturday, May 30, 2009
Selling Houses
It's been a while, I know, but since there aren't too many dedicated readers, I don't feel tooo bad.
A couple of things to talk about in this post.
Part 1: Selling Houses
For the entirety of my two weeks at home for this summer, my house was on the market. Mind you, the house went on the market just as soon as I got home. Thanks Mom and Dad :) heheh anyway a couple things you should know about selling houses since it'll probably happen at some point in your life... 1. Make sure to take care of your house, that little nick on your baseboard won't be such an issue to fix now, but if you let it get away from you, that means lots of trouble later. 2. It doesn't matter what your taste in houses is, it matters what potential homeowners want. This means, if you want Top Dollar, you need to invest a little into making the house look like a hotel penthouse instead of your home. It also means not leaving your stuff out and minimize your impact as a person living there.
Selling houses also means you can't be in your house... which was icky for me because EVERYONE was busy! All my friends have summer jobs, and since I was only home for two weeks, I obviously didn't. So sitting in cars for 5 hours was a commonplace occurrence for me. As was sleeping on the couch/floor so I didn't have to make my own bed. hehehe.
Part 2: Up
I just think everyone should see this movie because it's adorable. Tear-jerking, laugh-inducing, adorable.
Part 3: The Hills
The past two days I have, aside from working on Art homework and some research research (haha), been watching the Hills. I am astounded by the jerkiness of the guys, the prettiness of the girls, and I am left wondering why I can't have a cat if LC can have two. I want one!!! Ah to have a brain numbing job... NOT
Anyhow, I hope my ruminations have brought you a little bit of humor :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Anyone else think my pausing theme is getting a little obnoxious? If you have jokes involving the word pause, you can feel free to let me know… if you want me to completely get rid of that intro, I can do that too.
Okay, so in honor of National Train Day (Saturday, May 9) I had this grand concept to talk about how trains are the forgotten form of travel in an age of planes and cars. Of course, I figured I’d talk about how many different exhibits they had at 30th Street and NYC’s Penn Station and how important the railroad is for America’s Economy and blah blah blah. Of course, now I’m on the train for about 10 hours and I just don’t feel that love for trains right now. Particularly when trees fall across the track and we have to stop for them to move it. ARGH. I think we might actually be on schedule now, but I’m not sure. In any case I have a full 5 hours on this train to look forward to and I’ve already eaten all my food and taken two hours worth of naps, so I guess this is just one of many attempts to distract myself from the next few hours of my life without the internet.
I guess I can still say a few good things about trains. As Sheldon would say that are superior to planes because of the lulling click-clacking. Of course, Sheldon is also slightly insane and a television character. They do offer some pros though – no security and no worries about liquid limits. Actually, that’s kind of worrisome. They’re really best for short distances. Sadly there is no smiling witch pushing a cart full of wizard treats. They do have a dining car, and I think dinner today is scallops! But I’m not paying for that. There’s plenty of leg room on this train and you do get to see some pretty amazing vistas – of course this depends on the train you ride. Still, the convenience of traveling short distances by train is not to be denied. You’re never really stranded if you live by a train station. And there are also good books that have to do with train rides – John Green’s Christmas collab for instance. And you get to use your cell phone!
But enough about trains, even if it is National Train Day, I want to talk about being done with school! Hooray! Sometimes I thought I’d never get through this past week, but I have and I’m happy I made it. It’s a little sad to realize that I’ll never see some of my senior friends again and that the room I spent about 8 months of my life in will probably never be open to me again. All the same, I am excited to begin the adventures of summer research, an acting class, and even going to Otakon (which reminds me, I need to check some dates on that). I loved getting to meet new people this year, and I’m looking forward to spending more time with many that I’ve become good friends and less time with those that I find cause more friction in my life. Breaks are nice :) And maybe there will be a little music playing/recording/singing if things go the way I want them to. Look out for interesting projects from me this summer!
Anyhow, I’ve filled your life with enough of my nonsense, go back and experience your life!
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Black Hole of Studying (or is it not studying?)
As I'm sitting at my computer employing the myriad ways to procrastinate during finals, it occurred to me what a black hole finals week is in the life of a student.
No, really. The only thing I have any idea about that's going on in the world is swine flu and that's largely because my mom told me about it (and the other people around me... the point is I didn't find out about it until the panic was well underway).
Finals week has always seemed really obnoxious to me. Does a teacher really need to give me a final test to see if I've learned the material? Shouldn't my grades over the semester indicate that? I'm either going to do the same as I've done all semester or I'm going to fluke and the test is going to bring me down. I'm convinced they only do it to make sure we pay attention the last week of class... in retrospect perhaps there is a point to finals...
But all this is brought on by the fact that instead of studying for my Theology and ACS finals, I've spent my day StumbleUpon-ing and watching Doogie Howser, M.D. But there's only so much stumbling a person can do. I can almost feel my brain frying... I thought maybe writing would help me feel intelligent again. I did look at my review sheet, realized it was much harder than I had anticipated, and promptly stopped paying attention.
So either way it goes, I fry my brain. There's the black hole of studying that I will be in for the next four or so days or there's the black hole of Stumbling. Or the black hole of minesweeper and spider solitaire. Agh! I open those games and I don't even realize why!!
Okay, I've wasted enough of your life. Maybe tell me how you like to waste your time/what's a black hole for you?
Now get out there and PLAY.
edit: sorry for the lack of links... the black holes have sucked out my brains...