Saturday, May 30, 2009

Selling Houses


It's been a while, I know, but since there aren't too many dedicated readers, I don't feel tooo bad.

A couple of things to talk about in this post.

Part 1: Selling Houses

For the entirety of my two weeks at home for this summer, my house was on the market. Mind you, the house went on the market just as soon as I got home. Thanks Mom and Dad :) heheh anyway a couple things you should know about selling houses since it'll probably happen at some point in your life... 1. Make sure to take care of your house, that little nick on your baseboard won't be such an issue to fix now, but if you let it get away from you, that means lots of trouble later. 2. It doesn't matter what your taste in houses is, it matters what potential homeowners want. This means, if you want Top Dollar, you need to invest a little into making the house look like a hotel penthouse instead of your home. It also means not leaving your stuff out and minimize your impact as a person living there.

Selling houses also means you can't be in your house... which was icky for me because EVERYONE was busy! All my friends have summer jobs, and since I was only home for two weeks, I obviously didn't. So sitting in cars for 5 hours was a commonplace occurrence for me. As was sleeping on the couch/floor so I didn't have to make my own bed. hehehe.

Part 2: Up

I just think everyone should see this movie because it's adorable. Tear-jerking, laugh-inducing, adorable.

Part 3: The Hills

The past two days I have, aside from working on Art homework and some research research (haha), been watching the Hills. I am astounded by the jerkiness of the guys, the prettiness of the girls, and I am left wondering why I can't have a cat if LC can have two. I want one!!! Ah to have a brain numbing job... NOT

Anyhow, I hope my ruminations have brought you a little bit of humor :)



  1. And remember, location location location. If your house is in Detroit, you aren't selling it. The point is, make sure you aren't selling your house because you made a stupid decision and now your house is on the line. Sell your house because it's time for an upgrade, or because its a part of the grand master plan.

    Now I want to make a ranting blog. Plan on seeing it in September maybe.

  2. Did you say prettiness of girls? Or perhaps you meant pettiness?

  3. nah prettiness, their hair is so shiny and their clothes are so nice. Darn people with style teams... yes Kyle, girls can think other girls are PRETTY (and ugly for that matter)...

    although Heidi is quite petty...
