Monday, July 8, 2013

The I.T. Crowd


So I've loved Big Bang Theory since it premiered (TV junkie extraordinaire and nerd that I am, I knew I'd watch the show from the moment I saw previews for it.) It's wonderful for a whole host of reasons, but mainly because, especially in the early seasons, they got being a physicist/astronomer/engineer down so well and Penny was just lovable. As an aspiring astrophysicist myself, well the humor just hit the right chord.

Anyway, I've tried to get my Computer Science boyfriend to watch it for ages, but he just doesn't particularly like the humor. Not sure particularly why, if it's the his mum is British and he just doesn't think American funny is funny, or because Computer Science majors are just a different breed. Regardless, TV junkie that I am I determined to meet him half way and watch I.T. Crowd. Which is sort of a British Computer Science version of Big Bang Theory.

I'm now half way through season 3 and it's just delightful. The only thing that I think it lacks is the properly second level of what I'm going to call "smart humor" - you know, jokes about Schrodinger's cat and all that. But any show that says "The elders of the internet would never stand for it!"
is good in my book.

Oh and if you want to watch - as of 7/8/2013 it's free on Hulu!
