Sunday, August 4, 2013

Prozac Nation


So I just finished watching Prozac Nation. It's based on a book that I've picked up several times (I adore the cover, I'm not sure why, but it always catches my eye) and tried to read as many times. I somehow never quite manage to get through it. It may be because it holds the same potential that anything I've ever read by Joyce Carol Oates does: a destroyed sense of self worth and an abundance of interior monologues. Be that as it may, the film adaptation popped up on the movies page of Hulu today and I figured why the heck not.

Having watched the movie, I'm even more certain that the book would be a mind-altering experience for me, and not necessarily for the best. I found the movie to be powerful and confusing and depressing and entrancing all at once. While I don't know that I could particularly put my finger on any one part of it as responsible, I thought that it did an excellent job of capturing a sense of futility and terror and, well, depression.

Everything about the film - the narration, the color fill, the flashes of others - served to highlight and enhance Lizzie's difficulties, the state of her mind, and to help the viewer feel something of the same. I don't know if it's a movie for everyone but I certainly found it to be powerful, and I hope it does the book justice.

Honestly, my head is still kind of reeling from it, and I certainly wouldn't suggest watching it if you're already in a bit of a down mood. But if you like pseudo-biological stories of people experiencing and overcoming mental illness - or if you want to voyeuristically (my spell check says that's not a word...) experience mental deterioration - then I highly recommend the watch. Plus it's free on Hulu.

Heck, just go watch the movie. It made me want to write, so that must mean it's good art.


Monday, July 8, 2013

The I.T. Crowd


So I've loved Big Bang Theory since it premiered (TV junkie extraordinaire and nerd that I am, I knew I'd watch the show from the moment I saw previews for it.) It's wonderful for a whole host of reasons, but mainly because, especially in the early seasons, they got being a physicist/astronomer/engineer down so well and Penny was just lovable. As an aspiring astrophysicist myself, well the humor just hit the right chord.

Anyway, I've tried to get my Computer Science boyfriend to watch it for ages, but he just doesn't particularly like the humor. Not sure particularly why, if it's the his mum is British and he just doesn't think American funny is funny, or because Computer Science majors are just a different breed. Regardless, TV junkie that I am I determined to meet him half way and watch I.T. Crowd. Which is sort of a British Computer Science version of Big Bang Theory.

I'm now half way through season 3 and it's just delightful. The only thing that I think it lacks is the properly second level of what I'm going to call "smart humor" - you know, jokes about Schrodinger's cat and all that. But any show that says "The elders of the internet would never stand for it!"
is good in my book.

Oh and if you want to watch - as of 7/8/2013 it's free on Hulu!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

OUaT - The Miller's Daughter


I had to say I was initially not all that pleased with hearing about Cora's back story on Once. What did I care what made this horrible woman as horrible as she is?

Of course all that changed the minute I realized Rose McGowan was playing young Cora.

Rose McGowan has been a favorite actress of mine since she was on Charmed and I was sneaking into my mom's sewing room late at night to watch the slightly racy show. She was as beautiful and excellent an actor then as she is now. So good, in fact, that it took me a moment to realized who young Cora was - her mouth is held in an entirely different way.

Aside from Rose, I enjoyed the spinning straw to gold story, looking forward for most of the episode to the moment when Cora would turn on Rumple, having learned his name. I found the alterations to the contract and her own removal of her heart to be well… fascinating.

And poor Regina… Well who thought I’d ever be saying that?

Thoughts on the last Once?


Friday, March 1, 2013

Grad School vs the Real World


Hello again, been a while.

I've been working on a mountain in SoCal for the past two months, and I have to say, overall it's pretty great. I mean, for one thing I've been doing things I've never done before. Go on a zipline? Check. Climb to the top of a pole and jump off 30 feet from the ground? Check. Become a lifeguard? Done and done.

The people here are amazing, and I'm finding my niche, but as excited and happy as I am to be here, it's already time to start planning my next move. That is, I have to figure out what I'm going to do this summer and next fall.

Notes on applying to grad school:
Do: procrastinate to the last possible minute, give your recommenders absolutely no time to write their letters, don't proofread anything, don't check your internet connection

Don't: plan everything out months ahead of time, give your recommenders a ton of reference material, contact the department ahead of time and the person you are interested in researching with, get everything in at least 2 weeks early

Or was it the other way around? Eh, too late now.

So I applied to three schools and now is the part where I wait with bated breath. Well to be accurate my backup has already accepted me, but I'm still waiting to hear from the other two schools who might be more financially sound decisions.

...yep. My life is full of thrills.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

DCP Arrival/Check In


So as most of you may or may not know, I'm currently down in Orlando doing the Disney College Program (DCP). I'm probably one of the oldest in the program as I've already graduated college, and this was an "it's my last chance, I'm doing this before life really starts" type thing. I read so many of these blogs and had so many questions, so I'm just going to type up my experiences.

So my check in was on August 8, and as per Disney directions on the site I didn't want to arrive too much before 6:45, and so got there about 6:15. I was driving and I'm going to count this as mistake one. To be elaborated on later. The small parking lot outside Vista Way had filled up by that point, and Vista Way was not open for further parking, so one of the crossing guard/security type people told me to park in the Walgreen's parking lot. I was the third roomie to arrive and we were maybe 100 people back in line. We stood there until they opened the gates to Vista Way at maybe 8 am (honestly, I didn't have my watch and don't remember the precise time.) They had us queue up and around that time my other suitemate with a car realized she didn't have her registration/insurance information to get her car decal and ran off to do that. Shortly thereafter she texted one of my other suitemates saying she had to move her car because Walgreen's had informed the Disney security that they were starting to tow. I stayed in line until a cast member came over to us in line and told us the same thing. Cue me running. I moved my car into the now open Vista Way, where there were parking spots in abundance and no threat of a tow.

I called my suitemates and the other one with a car (henceforth J) said the cast members had let her get back in line with everyone and that I needed to get a nametag before I resumed standing with them. Cue me going up to cast member distributing nametags: "Hi I had to go move my car so it wouldn't get towed, is it okay if I go stand with my roomies again?" "I don't care if everyone else in line doesn't." Nametag: acquired. Back in line with roomies for more waiting. First group of cast members at a table with computers - check in and check phone number/email info. Wait wait wait. Enter into large tent area. Receive program guide (with sticker on back for housing arrival meeting). Profession intern (PI) tells us the law of the land (contract for behavior while in apartment complexes. No drugs, alcohol, you know the drill.) Enter into pool house type thing (AIR CONDITIONING!!) with monitors telling us important things like "close and lock your apartment doors and windows" and "Star tours has 52 possible combinations" (actually I don't remember if that's the right number, but let's assume it is. Okay? Okay.)  There were several booths with cast members and the suitemates and I were called up to one (funnily enough the one my possible cousin went to. There is going to be a lot of questions as to whether we're sisters - same last name and first initial). Mission Get Chatham 3-Br not on first floor: Accomplished. Then sent to a table where we received apartment keys and they were taped in our program guide. Shuffle shuffle. Sign paper saying that housing can take rent from my paycheck. Shuffle shuffle. Housing complex ID photo time! Take out hair bow, rearrange myself. Smile. Shuffle shuffle. Don't lose ID, costs $50 to replace. Shuffle shuffle. Registering a car? Over here please (cue mistake 2 where I write X's instead of initial on all the car agreement lines) Sticker for windshield. Shuffle. Catch up with roomies. Sticker for shuttle to casting. Not 'til 11:00 am (in about 2 hours.) Another discussion with cast member about time to arrive/what to wear, how to behave aka chance to ask questions.

Back in car, drive to apartment, move all my crap in, help move everyone else's crap in. Eat something despite nerves. Wait for bus to casting. Wait. wait. Get on bus. Super attractive PI. Cue suitemates giggling. Ride ride ride. Casting!!!! ZOMG I'M GOING TO KNOW WHERE I WORK!!!! Not so much. Sticker with Adventureland/Liberty Square (AdLib) designation and Traditions group. Wait. Wait. Wait. zzzzzz Wait more. Disney look spiel for traditions. Wait wait. Somewhere in here was receive training schedule. Mine only says what I'm doing for first day of training. Guess I don't find out my location today. Talk to new people. Process I-9 documentation and get a chance to have questions answered. Cast member I talk to had a spiel ride. Express my hope that I do as well. Wait wait. Verify my number a bajillion times. Fingerprinting. Fingers don't want to be printed. Wait wait. Paperwork. Cast member from Colorado Springs: "My brother went to USAFA" "So did I! 7th graduating class!" Wait wait. Discussion about courses during the program. Wait wait. Bus. (Cute PI is back.) Aaaand 3 hours later, back to apartment to chat and wait to meet our sixth suitemate who flew in.

We went over to the Beach and Yacht resort in hopes of visiting Beaches and Cream with the new suitemate, alas the wait was 2 hours so we went to the boardwalk and got some unhealthy food. Stopped at super overpriced grocery store (never again, mistake 3) and back to room to finally sleep!

End Day 1.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sally Ride (and other science-y things)

Okay everybody, let's take a kittenPAUSE.

While I'm sitting at work, waiting for a webcam software to install that was manufactured in, wait for it, 2002 (oh and by the way, this is the updated version), I figured I would take these few precious moments of being connected to the world by more than a two-year-old Droid with a horrible OS (really, motoblur, and it has no support) to talk a little bit about Sally Ride and Women in Science in general.

Well, I mean I am a Woman (ish, does 22 make me woman? Am I more than Young Lady? Lady? Definitely not a Ma'am.) And I have a degree in Astrophysics. So that should qualify me to talk about Women in Science.

Actually the whole topic is something really interesting to me, and all the more interesting because I am really passionate about girls doing science and equal potential and all those really important things, but at the same time, as someone who is working on getting kids interested in science and showing the wonder of science, there's a sort of untruth because I myself have chosen not to have a science research career. Not because I couldn't, or because professors doubted me (actually one of my professors is still convinced I'll get my PhD in Astronomy,) or any of that but because the day to day work in science just didn't mesh with my personality. Took me four years to admit that, but there it is. I want to inspire kids, girls in particular, to love science and the cool things that we can do because of it, but I don't want to sit in a lab all day.

But Sally Ride went through all the really arduous getting-your-PhD-in-Physics-ness, was the first American woman in space, and, in 2001, finally started her own inspire-girls-to-do-science company. And she was certainly someone who inspired me. I was never under the impression that I couldn't do science because ew-that's-what-boys-do. Doctor, lawyer, engineer, astronaut, astrophysicist - I could do and be any of those things because all of them were achievable through hard work. Well, a little luck might be required for the astronaut, but because of Sally Ride and women like her, I never felt a huge wall standing between me and being a Woman of Science.

Since she passed away on July 23 of pancreatic cancer, I just wanted to take this pause to remember her and all of the inspiration that she has given thousands, if not millions, of girls since her groundbreaking flight in 1983. Because of her, I never thought that a woman couldn't be an astronaut. I didn't have to overcome huge hurdles of "girls just can't do science." And I just wanted to say thank you to her.

Thanks Sally. I never knew you, you never knew me, but your work did not go unnoticed and so many girls do not have to face the barriers you met because of what you did.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Game of Owns: Post the Second



So I wanted to blog about Game of Thrones #gameofowns episode by episode, but here's the truth: They're so good, any time I'm by my laptop and have an internet connection, I'd rather watch them than blog about them. So, verdict: good show, if you're okay with v. graphic violence (including beheading, stabbing, rape, and entrails) then you should DEFINITELY be watching it. Well, unless you've got exams; then wait, because they're addictive!

I'm going to assume anyone who reads further is okay with spoilers ;) #season2episode7 I'm definitely spit between Arya and the Dragon Girl as far as my favorite character. Arya because she reminds me so much of Tamora Pierce's Alanna. And if I have my way she'll end up with the king's blacksmith bastard son. Because, well, all of the adorbs. I hope she gets Needle back soon. Dragon Girl is just boss. Three dragons. Young. Compassionate. Strong. Pretty. (and gorgeous clothes)

On the note of clothes the costume department clearly has the Best Job Ever.

The fire priestess worries me. One shouldn't mess with Demons.

John Snow is just amazing. And yummy. #girltalk But really. He is so noble. Sometimes to the point of stupidity. But frequently I just want to hug him.

I'm mad the sea prince and his betrayal of the Starks.

Someone ought to start paying attention to the Stark boys' prophetic dreams.

Until next time.
