Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How to Catch Fireflies: A Brief Tutorial

It’s time for a brief kittenpause!

I know you all have been dying to hear from me! I mean, it's been several weeks. Illness (and sunburn) can be distracting!

My guest post on InterestingNews is coming up soon! -July 18-

I think I asked for a vote last post and with a rousing two votes it had something to do with fun in the summer. I have decided that this necessitates a quick tutorial on capturing those flighty fancies with the sulfur butts - that's right this is a HOW TO CATCH FIREFLIES post (or lightning bugs if you prefer)

STEP 1: First of all, make sure fireflies are in your area. This can't be done without the little buggers, after all.

STEP 2: You need to be outside when the fireflies are out. Generally speaking, they appear around dusk. Sometimes you have rogue fireflies that like to stay out late - The teenagers of the species if you will...

STEP 3: Pick a firefly. Track its movements by attempting to predict where it will next glow. Move slowly toward it. If possible have low lighting around.

STEP 4: Once you've picked your firefly, attempt to sihlouhette it against the low lighting so you can see it not only when it blinks. Continue moving towards the firefly in a low crouch with both hands slightly extended and cupped.

STEP 5: When you're close enough to the firefly quickly attempt to entrap it in your cupped hands, as if your hands were a Venus Fly Trap. Once you start moving in, they'll try to evade you by going higher.

Hurrah! You have caught your firelfy (lightning bug)! There are other techniques such as the come-from-under and just make it land on your hand, and the downward swipe grab. As you advance in the circuits, you will have time to refine your technique.

Also, if you fail to catch one on your first attempt it's okay to target another specimen! I suggest naming them, but that may just be me.

Don't forget to free your new friend! The fun is in the catching, not the keeping!

I hope you've enjoyed your quick break. But now it's time to press PLAY on your life!

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